We’re on Facebook!

We have officially hit Week 13. And now it’s real…it’s on Facebook. Thank goodness, because I was getting really tired of keeping it a secret. Again, a huge thank you to those who kept our news quiet; I really didn’t think some of you could do it!

My clothes are getting tighter. I finally had to do that silly rubber-band trick on my jeans, which is a little annoying, especially when you unhook your jeans for the zillionth pee break of the day and the rubber band flies behind the toilet and you have to search for it. I also broke down and agreed to go maternity shopping this past weekend. I thought, surely I don’t really NEED these clothes yet, but I was shocked that the things I tried on actually fit. I guess the whole point is that they grow with you, or some such nonsense. I’m kind of thinking I should start wearing maternity clothes all the time; they’re really comfortable! I’m glad it’s summertime, though, because I’m going to be able to get away with a lot of dresses, and that way I don’t have to have quite as many maternity things. (It makes me feel better.)

I think the final straw came when I kept having chest pains and shortness of breath in the mornings. I finally realized it’s because I couldn’t breathe properly with my jeans buttoned. That will definitely make a girl feel dumb. At least I figured it out!

We had our 13 week appointment on Monday. I was just as happy with my doctor on the second visit as I was with the first, actually even more this time, if that’s possible. This appointment was much easier than the first; a weigh-in (which actually went my way (weigh? LOL) for once) and a heartbeat listen. I was just relieved to hear it; I am always paranoid that something is wrong. Maybe Justin is rubbing off on me. I also found out from my doctor that I won’t die if I eat a hot dog occasionally, and I if I lie on my back, it won’t hurt anything.

I am starting to realize that maybe it’s time for me to start doing some research on this whole baby thing. I’m thinking that my weekly “Your Baby This Week” email probably isn’t going to cut it. I’ve heard some good recommendations for “On Becoming Babywise” and I read part of “What to Expect When You’re Expecting”. Does anyone have any fabulous reading suggestions for me?

8 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Amanda K
    Jun 08, 2011 @ 15:51:38

    So ridiculously happy for you!!!


  2. Sara Kathryn Wintle
    Jun 08, 2011 @ 16:07:38

    I just ordered a whole bunch of books. What to expect when your expecting?, Belly Laughs: The naked truth, The Girlfriends guide to Pregnancy, and Your pregnancy week by week. I also ordered some for my husband, they look funny: My boys can swim! and Pregnancy Sucks for Men: What to Do When Your Miracle Makes You BOTH Miserable!! I am not pregnant yet, but I don’t thnk it will take long….so I just decided to order some books! I hear they are all really good. I ordered them off of Amazon so I only spent like 30 bucks for all of them! I am glad to hear that your pregnancy is going well! Hope to see you soon! ~Sara


    • smashedgirlfriday
      Jun 21, 2011 @ 19:59:57

      Girl, you should have talked to me first! I have Belly Laughs, The Girlfriend’s Guide, AND My Boys Can Swim, as well as another man book that my friend sent. I would have been happy to pass them on….but they were good deals! 🙂


  3. Laura Lowry
    Jun 08, 2011 @ 19:10:31

    Congrats Ashley! As for books, it depends on the type of parent you want to be but if you’re leaning towards the Babywise type, I recommend “The Baby Whisperer” by Tracy Hogg. It’s similar ideology but easy to read and just make sense!


  4. Meg
    Jun 29, 2011 @ 05:27:26

    The “What to Expect” books are good, but you’re a lot like me, so I want to tell you this: don’t get too caught up on doing what the books say. I made myself miserable because I felt like I could never live up to the damned books. Once I tossed them, I felt a lot better about myself as a parent. Sure, there’s good info in there, but also go with your gut. No pun intended.


  5. Meg
    Jun 29, 2011 @ 05:27:55

    PS: apparently commenting through my Twitter account is what it took to finally get a comment published! Yay!


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